Online Courses (pre-recorded)
Exploration: It is preferable to have some basic knowledge of geometric drawing, intermediate level of difficulty.
A propos du motif
In Lyon we find 3 gothic rose windows very flower like, with a common base layout: 6 large petals blooming around a centre.
The idea of this series of courses is to use basic elements of gothic geometry and to see how the same elements (trefoils, quatrefoils, six-foils) can be put together differently in a same structure and give varied results.
Also by offering a simplified and advanced version of each rose I hope to show how in gothic geometry things are rarely as simple and logical as they first seem.
Often elements are adjusted to give more flow to the curve, then working on several levels of grid overlapping and what looks like a regular trefoil is not necessarily one!
Contenu du cours
Simplified Versions
This version is ideal if you are a geometry beginner or that you just want to enjoy tracing nice gothic looking pattern with ruler and compass
We will use regular elements of trefoils, quatrefoils and six-foils, with minor adjustments.
The result is inspired by each of the rose windows, without being identical to the original window.
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The videos will be accessible for several years.
If they need to be taken down, registered participants will be informed several months in advance.