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Geometric Drawing Courses


Geometric drawing is a technique that involves using only a compass and ruler to create ornamental patterns (roses, tiling, etc.) in various styles.

Pour les cours en ligne en français clicker ici : Géométrie en ligne

About Online Courses

  • Access to the courses is done by logging into your member area on this site (created during your first purchase), using the email address used when creating the account.

  • The course videos will remain accessible for several years, and an email notification will be sent prior to any potential removal.

  • Most courses come with a PDF showing the main steps of the drawing process.

  • You can contact me if you have any questions or difficulties.

Lucie Rose Galvani - geometrie.jpg

Individual Courses by Level


Introduction to Gothic Geometry

gothic geometry


Rose from St-Rémi of Allemant Church

Snowflake Gothic Rose Window

gothic geometry

Rose window from the facade of Saint Bonaventure basilica in Lyon

Rose of Saint Bonaventure in Lyon - Smplified

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Rose Window of the main facade of Mende Cathedral

Summer Gothic Rose Window

series: Rose of Mende

Tympanum Rose Window from the Collegiate Church of Saint-Vulfran of Abbeville

Little Flamboyant Rose from Abbeville

gothic geometry

Rose window from the facade of Saint Paul church in Lyon

Rose of Saint Paul in Lyon - Simplified

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Rose window from the facade of Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon

Rose of Saint Jean in Lyon - Simplified

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Blossom tilling motif, based on the  flower of life diagram


artistic geometry


Little window from the West door of York Minster

York Minster Medallion

gothic geometry

Rose window from the facade of Saint Bonaventure basilica in Lyon

Rose of Saint Bonaventure in Lyon - Advanced

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Tympanum Rose Window from the Collegiate Church of Saint-Vulfran of Abbeville

Little Flamboyant Rose from Abbeville

gothic geometry

Rose window from the facade of Saint Paul church in Lyon

Rose of Saint Paul in Lyon - Advanced

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Rose window from the facade of Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon

Rose of Saint-Jean in Lyon - Advanced

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Central Roundel from the main rose window of Mende Cathedral

Gothic Cherries

series: Rose of Mende

Packs & Deals

Pack - Simplified & advanced versions of the 3 rose windows of Lyon: Saint Paul, Saint Bonaventure & Saint Jean

Pack - 3 Roses from Lyon - Simplified & Advanced

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Southern Rose Window from Notre-Dame of Paris Cathedral

Notre Dame of Paris - South Rose

past courses (special offer)

Pack - Advanced versions of the 3 rose windows of Lyon: Saint Paul, Saint Bonaventure & Saint Jean

Pack - 3 Roses from Lyon - Advanced

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

Rose Window from the main facade of Strasbourg Cathedral

Western Rose from Strasbourg

past courses (special offer)

Pack - Simplified versions of the 3 rose windows of Lyon: Saint Paul, Saint Bonaventure & Saint Jean

Pack - 3 Roses from Lyon - Simplified

series: 3 Roses from Lyon

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